Big Heading

A bunch of introductory text. With an "inline" picture:

Here is more text, perhaps describing the image.

Sub heading

More text. This could introduce several points that are to be shown as a "bulleted" list. And that is it.

Another Big Heading

Use an image to be a button that when clicked, brings up a larger image.

Click here to see a mineral

Note that both the button image and the text are linked to the larger image

Yet another Big Heading

The list shown in the previous section can also be nested:

This is heading of level 3

The lists above may also be numbered, or an ordered list.
  1. This is the first item
  2. This is the second item
  3. This is the third item

Another heading of level 3

And bulleted lists even may be nested within an ordered list!
  1. This is the first item of an ordered list
  2. This is the second item of an ordered list
  3. This is the third item of an ordered list

That separating line is a "Hard Ruler"

Making Internet Links

The real power of Mosaic is linking to files elsewhere on the Internet. Here are some samples:

The HTML version of this document

Select Save As from the File menu select the option to save as HTML format. This will save this document to a file on your computer
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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