Contacting Studio 1151...
While we expect your production team to be self-organized, the Studio is very interested in your progress and we are readily available to assist in any way we can. Here is some contact information you will need:
- Studio Office. Should you ever need to contact the studio directly, call our headquarters at 731-8300.
- Karen McNally (Executive Project Coordinator) will be able to assist with all the details of the project, planning, and instructional design consultation. She is generally available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
phone: 731-8295
email: mcnally@maricopa.edu
- Alan Levine (Vice President of Development) will be supervising the projects and should be your primary contact for technological questions.
phone: 731-8297
email: alan.levine@domail.maricopa.edu
- Studio 1151 information is always available online, including this entire guidebook that contains planning documents you will need as well as forms required by the studio. You will find it at:
- The Authoring Group (TAG) is a Maricopa consortium of multimedia developers who are available for consulting on your project during the production phase. You can find more information from their web site:
- Multimedia Authoring Web is another Studio resource that may help you locate online information. Look for it at:
tudio 1151 Guidebook by Karen McNally and Alan Levine
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
Comments to alan.levine@domail.maricopa.edu
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/authoring/studio/