studio 1151 |
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guidebook |
journal |
 Electronic Journals
the Studio requires the production team to maintain a journal of all its activities and the hours spent on those activities, as well as a record of crew members' impressions of how the project is progressing, their roles in the project, even the project itself from Selling the Concept through the Premiere. Journal entries must be submitted electronically to the Studio on the Monday following the preceding week.

The information in the journal is for internal documentation by the Studio as well as for your team's planning. The only portion that will be shared with the public is the last item, a press release statement.

Therefore, use the journal to record all aspects of your project, both positive and negative.

We are using a new electronic system so you can submit your journal reports via the Internet. You will need to have acccess to a computer, a World Wide Web browser, and a network connection.

To get to the web site:
  1. Launch your WWW browser.

  2. Select Open Location... or Open... from the File menu.

  3. In the field provided type (on one line):
    and then click the Ok button.
That will bring you to the online version of this page. From here, the following resources are available:
  • Journal Report Form. This is the form that you will use to submit your weekly reports. The Studio will provide the password for your team will use to submit and review your reports.

  • Explanation with Examples. A guided tour to show you what the Studio expects in the reports.

  • Individual Time Sheets An accountant from one of our first teams suggested this form to collect the activites from individual team members.

  • View Journals. As a reference, we provide links to previously submitted journals for your project. Only project participants can access this information (you will need your project password).

  • Journal Checklist. This list will help keep your reports consistent and useful for the Studio as well as for your team.

S tudio 1151 Guidebook by Karen McNally and Alan Levine
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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