studio 1151 |
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guidebook |
journals |
journal report form |
 Journal Report Form
Use this form to file your reports every Monday. Only project participants can submit reports-- you will need the password provided by the Studio. If you need assistance, refer to the Explanation with Examples of Journal Reports.

This information is exclusively for Studio and team use-- only the last field will be available to public view.


project name and password:

reported by:

major activities
activity / time in hrs / number of crew involved:

major accomplishments
Describe briefly the successful highlights for this week's work.

problems encountered:
What, if any, problems arose (describe in detail)? How were they handled?

short planning:
What needs to be done next week?

long planning:
What needs to be done in 2 (or more) weeks?

Quote #1
Submit a short quote from a crew member that captures his/her role in this week's production:

Quote #2
Submit a short quote from a crew member that captures his/her role in this week's production:

Press Release
Write a 2-3 sentence summary for the press:

for Preview Final


S tudio 1151 Guidebook by Karen McNally and Alan Levine
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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