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 Production Storyboard
The treatment described in your Request for Proposal gave the Studio (and you) information on the overall mood and feel of the final product. The production flowchart provided a roadmap of events. The storyboard now takes the treatment and the roadmap and combines them into a detailed description of the final product.

The storyboard contains information on graphics, video, sound, text, audience interaction, color, type fonts, type size, etc. In other words, everything necessary for crew members involved in production to do their jobs. Again, it doesn't have to be a work of art. It needs to be detailed enough so each crew member knows what to do and the Studio gets a clear picture of what will be happening throughout the whole program and exactly what it will look like.

the Studio has included several storyboard formats as examples and a template that you can print and use for your project. You may choose the one that best suits your needs or make up your own. Below, you will also find another checklist for you to use as you design storyboards.

No matter which storyboard format you choose, the following information must be included:
  1. A sketch or drawing of the screen, page, or frame.
  2. Color, placement, and size of graphics, if important.
  3. Actual text, if any, for each screen, page, or frame.*
  4. Color, size, and type of font, if there is text.
  5. Narration, if any.*
  6. Animation, if any.
  7. Video, if any.
  8. Audio, if any.
  9. Audience interaction, if any.
  10. Anything else the production crew needs to know.

    *Narration or text for individual storyboards may be written on a separate sheet of paper, but you must reference the corresponding storyboard number.


Production Storyboard Checklist
    __ There is a storyboard for each page, screen, or frame.

    __ Each storyboard is numbered.

    __ All relevant details(color, graphics, sound, font, interactivity, visuals, etc. are indicated.

    __ All text or narration is included and cross referenced with its corresponding storyboard number.

    __ Each production team member has a copy or easy access to a copy of the storyboards.

S tudio 1151 Guidebook by Karen McNally and Alan Levine
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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