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-- the Labyrinth August 1994 --

Mosaic Starting Points

Alan Levine, MCLI
There is no single, comprehensive index of the Internet. However, several sites have organized indices arranged by subject. Following are two examples which show two different ways to connect to an Internet site:

WWW Virtual Library

One way to begin exploring is to access the World Wide Web (WWW) Virtual Library, a subject-oriented index of information. This figure shows only a few of the many categories of information.

To access the WWW Virtual Library:

  1. Macintosh: From the Navigate menu, select Internet Resources Meta-Index.

    Windows: From the Starting Points menu, select Information by Subject under World Wide Web Info.

  2. Under the category, World Wide Web, click on the underlined text, WWW Virtual Library, which will bring you this screen.

Whole Internet Catalog

Another excellent starting point is the Whole Internet Catalog. To access it, for both Mac and Windows versions of Mosaic:

  1. From the File menu, select Open URL...
  2. In the dialog box, enter the address:
  3. Click the OK button.

Here are some other useful starting points:

Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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