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-- the Labyrinth August 1994 --
New Internal Grants Process
Queta Chavez, DIST
Faculty participation will increase greatly in the new internal grants
process being piloted this academic year. A committee of faculty
members and administrators convened by Dr. Alfredo G. de los Santos
Jr., Vice-Chancellor for Student and Educational Development, has
developed a new and improved internal grants process and new funding
priorities for Priority Educational Programs (PEP) grants. The new
process will address the committee's concerns about decreased faculty
participation, insufficient preparation time, and unclear PEP
priorities. TAKE A LOOK!!
What are the funding priorities for PEP Grants?
The priorities have been changed to address collaborations and learning.
- Connections with other institutions which include:
- learning connections with K-12 schools;
- learning connections with community;
- learning connections between MCCCD colleges and/or other colleges or universities; and
- implementation of learning connections.
- Restructuring educational processes include projects which focus on:
- student-centered learning;
- disciplinary integration (i.e. interdisciplinary focus or process);
- alternative delivery methods that address different student learning styles; and
- implementation of the restructuring process (i.e. faculty
development and training, including adjunct faculty with residential
faculty support.)
How will the Internal Grants Process change?
- A two-page preliminary proposal outlining the project will be
submitted prior to the final proposal. Feedback is provided MONTHS
PRIOR to final proposal submission. This year, writers will have 6
months to prepare the final proposal. Subsequent cycles will include
8 months for writers to submit preliminary proposals, receive
feedback and prepare final proposal for submission. Funds will be
available from April 1995 Ü June 30, 1996.
- A technical review team including faculty and administrators from
the colleges will provide suggestions and ideas for proposal
refinement. The team members may serve as an additional resource for
the grants writers.
- The final review team has been expanded to include college
faculty, faculty development coordinators, and an instructional
designer to provide faculty input to the proposal review process.
When will these changes take place?
September 1994 is the target date for the new internal grant process
cycle. Guidelines for each funding category will be distributed via
A1. Forms will be available from your faculty development coordinator
or from a file server on the computer network.
Important dates for submitting grants are:
- August 29
- Announcements for each funding category distributed. (See A1.)
- October 31
- Preliminary Proposals Due to District Office.
- November 14
- Technical Review Committee meets to provide suggestions for proposal refinement. Provide additional resources to writer.
- December 1
- Writers receive review comments, suggestions, rescource information if needed
- January 1995
- Writing workshop will be conducted to provide additional assistance
- February 13
- Final proposals due. Review process begins.
For more information, please call 731-8026.
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
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