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-- the Forum December 1993 --

Grants, Projects, Events and Resources for Mathematics Reform

Following are some of the efforts made by Maricopa faculty and administrators in response to the national movement in mathematics reform. (This list does not include all mathematics-related activities and projects, just some examples).

-- Bridge to Calculus
is a two-year planning grant funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is a collaborative effort involving the Maricopa Community colleges, Arizona State University, and local high schools. The major purpose of the project is to examine the "before calculus" mathematics curriculum and prepare and implement a plan for reforming the curriculum and pedagogy. For information, contact David Dudley (PC) or Betty Field (PVCC).

-- Math for the 90's
grant funded by the Internal Grants program of MCCCD. The Math Instructional Council is soliciting the writing of fresh mathematics content in order to develop a new curriculum which is more closely tied to the mathematics that people apply or will use in the varieties of professions. Faculty members from all disciplines and staff are invited to submit content which uses honest data and techniques from disciplines which apply mathematics in their work. For information, contact Alan Jacobs (SCC).

-- South Mountain Community College
has been funded by the National Security Agency (NSA) to develop an Associates Degree focused towards mathematics. The overall goal of the project is to increase the numbers of minority students who earn an associate degree equivalent to the first two years of math/engineering degree at an Arizona state university. The first year of this three-year grant allows the college time to review and plan the needed curriculum to support math and engineering majors. The pedagogy of existing math courses will be developed to meet emerging standards from the American Mathematics Association for Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) and new math courses as well as student support programs will be developed. For information, contact John Mildrew or Ken Roberts at SMCC.

-- Harvard Calculus
a new approach to teaching calculus is being implemented and evaluated at PVCC and MCC. The Harvard project promotes the teaching of each topic or concept from three perspectives: graphical, numerical, and analytical; the incorporation of technology into the curriculum; and covering less material in greater depth. For information, contact Ed Chandler (PVCC).

-- Interdisciplinary Teaching.
Melinda Rudibaugh (math) and David Weaver (physics) at CGCC are experimenting with a new approach to teaching calculus I and university physics and calculus II and university physics II. Traditionally calculus I has been taught as a pre-requisite for university physics. At CGCC students are allowed to register for both courses during the same term. The classes are scheduled back to back and instructors attend both classes. The instructors act as consultants for each other, providing a different perspective to the concepts being discussed, especially when students inquire about why things should be done in a specific way or about the importance or relevance of certain information to other fields of knowledge. Both instructors use Electronic Forum, TIÜ85 calculators, and computer applications.

-- Technology in Mathematics
several colleges have incorporated into the curriculum technology tools such as Maple and Derive, symbolic manipulators and graphing packages.

-- M2R: Maricopa Mathematics Resources

a service of the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI). The M2R has been established to enable mathematics faculty from MCCCD and other educational institutions within Maricopa County to explore resources specific to the mathematics discipline. Resources include a library (books, periodicals, videotapes, videodiscs, CD-ROMs, software), a computer station, support experts and staff, and information on local and national workshops, seminars, and events. Explore What's Available from MCLI's Gopher server! For information, contact the MCLI (731-8300)
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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