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-- the Labyrinth December 1993 --
Changing Paradigms... Information Technology and Learning
Cynthia Leshin, MCLI
As the new millennium approaches and the information age unfolds, we
are left discussing and debating new directions for education. We
know that our lives have been changed forever by such factors as
global economics; break-up of the Eastern European bloc countries;
nationalism; cultural diversity; violence, natural disasters; health
care reform; loss of jobs; CNN; Nitendo; MTV; and technology. How do
these social, economic, and technological changes impact our
educational system? Today the word "paradigm" has become the "in"
word to use. It has been used in many different contexts, but always
refers to a change in the way one views an issue. Paradigm shift
seems an appropriate term when discussing a new educational order,
changes in the way we teach, and the use of technology. Discussion
and debate on this new educational order must consider the impact of
these social, economic, and technological changes on the way we
prepare our young people for 21st century. Some educators have
embraced these changes and have begun a shift in the "traditional
education" paradigm. Many faculty have moved forward developing
exciting new learning environments where the teacher becomes a
facilitator, guiding and directing the learning process rather than
the sole provider of information. Students are asked to work together
collaboratively sharing their information, helping each other to
learn, and being responsible as a team for the successful completion
of a class project. Students learn to think and value different
solutions to problems; how to communicate and work on teams. They
learn that their input and creativity are valued and that learning
can be fun. As educators preparing for the 21st century, we should
consider how changes are influencing our institutions of higher
education and ultimately our classrooms. This issue of the Labryinth
features two innovative teachers at MCCCD who have shifted their
teaching and learning paradigm using technology as a tool to
motivate, inspire, and help students experience the "joy of
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
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