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-- the Forum February 1993 --

Distance Learning Through
Alternative Delivery Classes:
Rio Salado Community College

RSCC offers courses in several alternative delivery formats for students who, because of time, distance, or limited mobility, do not have access to traditional classes. Alternative delivery courses bring instruction to students in their home, office, or a community site. The courses are competency-based and are equivalent to on-campus classes in content, assignments, and credits earned.

The alternative delivery formats available through RSCC include:

The primary tool in most alternative delivery classes is the study guide, which is organized into sequenced lessons. Each lesson begins with an explicit statement of what students should know and be able to do when they finish the lesson. The lessons provide information, describe and discuss content in the text, assign readings and exercises from a text, and provide practice activities and assessment.

Students have the opportunity to communicate with the instructor via telephone (instructors keep regular telephone office hours), electronic mail, or in person. Learning assistance, in the form of group and individual tutoring, is available to distance students at Rio Area Offices and at other Rio classroom sites. Computer labs are also available to students at different Rio sites.

Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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