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-- the Forum February 1993 --

VCN Full Speed Ahead!

Janet Whitaker, ITS, DO
Ed. Note: The Video Conference Network (VCN) is an interactive, multi- site, multi-media communication system that "links" several district locations: CGCC, GCC, MCC, PC, PVCC, RSCC, SCC, SMCC, and the District Office. Audio only connections are available to EMCCC, GWCC, and Maricopa Skill Center.
The VCN provides motion/full color video and sound from all locations and the availability of close-up camera to show written work, visuals, and real objects. Participants can be seen and heard by other participants at all locations. The system allows for the exchange of ideas, discussion, demonstrations, and presentations similar to in- person classroom experiences.

The VCN began its Spring 1993 course offerings on January 15. The seven classes this semester are:

If you or a colleague are interested in learning more about VCN and how you can participate, contact your Dean of Instruction or VCN Central at [602/73]1-8822. The network is also available throughout the week for meetings, staff development, and almost any other communication need you can think of! Give it a try!
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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