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-- the Labyrinth October 1992 --

Internet Resources from MCLI

The following resources have been found to be both useful and informative for the novice and intermediate Internet user.

Internet Explorer's Toolkit (1992)

NOTES: This is a DOS based hypertext system that contains a collection of useful text files about using the Internet. The idea behind development was to save the beginning Internet explorer the many hours spent in picking up bits and pieces of useful information. It was designed for a professional librarian user, and is a basic toolkit for getting up to speed fast in network skills and specialized knowledge.

The Internet Tour - HyperCard 2 stack

NOTES: In Cambridge, MA: The Internet Tour was designed by the NSF Network Service Center as a general introduction to the Internet for the new network user. It contains information on the history of the Internet, network etiquette, network applications, Internet resources, and a glossary of networking terms. This is an excellent overview of Internet. Easy to use, and understand for first-time users.

The Internet Tour requires HyperCard 2, which in turn requires Macintosh System 6.0.5 or later.
NOTE: Also try Merit's Internet Cruise; requires color Mac with 2 MB RAM

Zen and the Art of the Internet

Kehoe, B. P. (1992).
NOTES: This booklet was developed to acquaint the reader with much of what's currently available over the Internet. Aimed at the novice user, it attempts to remain operating system "neutral" - little information herein is specific to Unix, VMS, or any other environment.

The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog

Krol, E. (September, 1992).

Order from O'Reilly and Associates (1-800-998-9938) or from your local bookstore. Cost: $24.95
NOTES: "The Whole Internet" is a complete and comprehensive introduction to the Internet for new users and for users who want to read up on some of the newer services that are available. It contains all you need to know to get started.

Crossing the Internet Threshold.

Tennant, R., Ober, J., & Lipow, A. G. (1992). San Carlos, CA: Library Solutions Institute and Press.
NOTES: This newly released book has been recommended by several Internet users based on their familiarity with the author. To order this book contact:

	Library Solutions Institute and Press
	1100 Industrial Rd., Suite 9
	San Carlos, CA 94070
	Phone: 510/841-2636  FAX: 510/841-2926
	Cost $45

Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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