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-- the Labyrinth September 1993 --

Meet Gopher

Cynthia B. Leshin, Editor, MCLI

What is Gopher?

Gopher is a menu-driven tool for accessing Internet resources. After you log onto Gopher you can begin browsing through the labyrinth of resources in the same way as you browse through your local library. For example, if you were interested in information on the Southwest (history, Native Americans, geology, Grand Canyon, climate, or culture) you can use Gopher to wander around the Internet searching for information on each topic. Gopher's search capabilities will indicate which on-line catalog or library has information on your topic. You can even arrange inter-library loans via the on-line catalog if the library permits. The easiest way to understand Gopher is to think of it as a research assistant. When you find the data you need, then allow Gopher to "go fer" it. You can also customize Gopher to remember the location of useful information through a "bookmark" feature.

Information Providers

Information made available through Gopher is provided by colleges, universities, or anyone else who has information to share. The information is housed on many separate servers around the country, which is maintained by the individual information provider. All are interconnected through a Gopher server at the University of Minnesota. Information providers have control over their own servers and data. Providers decide what information they want to make available to all Internet users and what information will only be available to their own faculty, staff, or students. Directories of information are then set up.

What resources are available through Gopher?

Gopher servers store a wealth of diverse information, including computer documentation, phone books, news, weather, library databases, books, software, and more. Listed below are some resources of interest.

How do I Learn More?

Gopher comes to Maricopa and you can now explore this labyrinth of resources. Read on and learn how.
Maricopa Center for Learning & Instruction (MCLI)
The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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