-- the Forum Summer 1995 --
South Mountaim Community College
R.O.A.D. Center for Service Learning
Asha Dey, SMCC
In 1991, the R.O.A.D. (Reach Out And Do) program was adopted
by the SMCC Office of Student Activities and Services. In the Fall of 1994, the
program was expanded to include a service-learning component. To reflect that
change, the office has been renamed the R.O.A.D. Center for Service Learning.
Asha Dey serves as the coordinator of the service-learning program, and is
responsible for managing its day-to-day operations.
Four different programs operate through the R.O.A.D. Center for Service-Learning:
- Service-Learning
- Recycling
- Foodshare
- Volunteerism
Development of SMCC's Service-Learning Program
Service-learning is the cornerstone of the R.O.A.D. Center. The first service-learning project was a
pilot program in the Fall of 1994, and involved ten students and three faculty
members. In the Spring of 1995, an additional seven faculty members
participated, along with 52 students who completed service-learning projects.
For Fall, 1995, the picture looks even brighter. With seven more faculty members
interested in participating, an even greater number of students will have the
opportunity to partake in service-learning projects.
The R.O.A.D. Center provides opportunities for students to complete
service-learning projects in a variety of settings. For instance,
Service-Learning "In Touch" students volunteer their time to work at the R.O.A.D.
Center, itself. These students serve as liaisons between the Center and SMCC
faculty and students.
The SMCC Service-Learning Advisory Committee (S.L.A.C.) was formed at the
beginning of the Spring 1995 semester. The committee, which is comprised of
faculty, staff, students, and representatives from community agencies, meets
monthly to discuss ways in which the Service-Learning program can benefit both
SMCC students and the community at large.
Resources Available
The R.O.A.D. Center for Service-Learning has compiled the
following materials for providing information to those interested in
- Faculty Binder, which includes service-learning models and samples from other
colleges and universities, both locally and nationally.
- Student Binder, which includes brochures and information from all
participating agencies and organizations.
- General Testimonial Binder, which includes student reflection journals and
evaluations of their service- learning experiences.
Making "The Connection" The R.O.A.D. Center is in the process of developing a
quarterly newsletter, to be called "The Connection." The first edition is
scheduled to appear in September, 1995. The purpose of the newsletter is to
provide information regarding upcoming events, special projects, new agencies
and, most importantly, to feature student reflections about their experiences in
an effort to make the service-learning "connection" with others.
The Labyrinth-Forum: Summer 1995
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa County Community College District
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
Comments to alan.levine@domail.maricopa.edu
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/labyforum/Sum95/sum95F7.html