Labyrinth Winter 1996 p1
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-- the Labyrinth Winter 1996 --

Teaching. Learning. Technology.

Alan Levine, MCLI

Teaching. Learning. Technology. These words are common to our Maricopa culture because our visionary faculty and staff have helped us make wise investments in technology to support the teaching for learning process. For the last ten years much of the impetus for change has come through our own multi-faceted Ocotillo process.

Now, the American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) has launched a national program to help institutions plan for and support the selective use of information technologies for learning -- in an economically sound manner. Led by Steven W. Gilbert, Director of Technology Projects at AAHE, the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) conducts regional workshops as well as disseminates information through Change magazine and the AAHESGIT listserv. Like Maricopa and Ocotillo, AAHE and the TLTR realize that with the cosmic rate of the technological revolution we can never rest on our laurels.

In this issue we present information on the AAHE and TLTR programs including Phoenix College President Marie Pepicello's description of the goals developed by the PC faculty and staff who attended the 1995 TLTR Phoenix Summer Institute. Next, we look toward the future in Ocotillo faculty chair David Weaver's (CGCC) "Fractal Quark" model. Richard Felnagle, faculty chair of the Ocotillo Classes Without Classrooms committee, also shares his perspective of the future. We then hear about the development of the Educational Technology Center (ETC) at South Mountain Community College. We have software reviews of Apple Computer's Teaching, Learning & Technology: A Planning Guide and the uniquely titled How God Makes God. Finally, we close with Steven W. Gilbert's "Seven Blunders . . . Plus 5."

There is a lot on the table.

The Labyrinth-Forum: Winter 1996
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa County Community College District

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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