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-- the Labyrinth Winter 1996 --

An AAHE Roundtable at Phoenix College

Marie Pepicello, President, PC

Last spring an invitation to participate in the AAHE Summer "Teaching, Learning, and Technology" Roundtable in Phoenix was issued by President Pepicello to the members of the college Technology Committee and other faculty interested in instructional technology. Nine faculty and staff took the opportunity to spend two days discussing the topic with their peers. The PC group very quickly determined that the appropriate emphasis was on the "21st Century Student" and the role of technology in supporting that student. The mission and objectives statements which follow are the result of their discussions.

The mission of The 21st Century Student Project: Learning, Teaching and Technology 1995-2000 is threefold:

  1. to understand the needs and learning styles of the 21st century student;
  2. to stimulate the development of effective learning environments and instructional methods, using appropriate technology; and
  3. to be a catalyst as Phoenix College evolves into an effective 21st century learning institution.

Short-term objectives:

  1. Define the Project's charge, function and position in governance.
  2. Collect information on good PC learning, teaching and technology.
  3. Develop campus-wide communication on good uses of technology.
  4. Facilitate technology training for faculty and staff.
  5. Develop working relationships with Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtables at similar institutions
  6. Develop evaluation/assessment/outcomes
  7. Long range goals:

    1. Understand the 21st century learner
    2. Influence the teaching methods of the future
    3. Support coordination for instructional technology initiatives on campus
    4. Explore sources of funding for learning/teaching/technology grant initiatives
    5. Develop various methods for faculty/staff training including a series of summer institutes
    6. Offer input into the planning of the library building expansion
    7. Develop evaluation/assessment/outcomes

    The Labyrinth-Forum: Winter 1996
    Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
    Maricopa County Community College District

    The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
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