Appendix I
Recommendations from 1986 and the Results
1. Establish an Instructional Computing Information Fund, $20,000
per year.
This would fund faculty and staff research and the development of
presentations on current technologies. The goal was to use the entire
pool of MCCCD talent to disseminate information and to provide
This was not funded, nor was it implemented in a comprehensive way.
Interestingly, a variation of this recommendation reappears in
It's a River, Not a Lake, with a greater emphasis on training.
2. Establish an Instructional Computing Development Fund.
Funded at $100,000 per year, this would fund the development of
instructional software, courseware and templates.
This was funded continually since the 1987-88 year. Through this
fund 35 projects have been funded in Psychology, Biology, Physics,
Drafting, ESL, Math, Library, and English, as well as several
interdisciplinary projects.
This fund has provided seed money for the development of tests,
tutorials, curriculum rethinking, and the exploration of different
technology tools for instruction.
The results of these projects have tended to remain local to the
faculty member, department, or the college which received the
2A (Alternative to 2) Award funds to Instructional Councils.
This would involve the discipline-based instructional councils
directly in planning the integration of technology in their own
Not funded, in favor of Recommendation 2.
3. Use the computer itself as the information exchange.
Use the VAX network as the basis for a BBS system for disseminating
information, questions and answers, and access to public domain
Mixed results:
- A student-use system, called Electronic Forum (EF) was developed
at GCC and is now in use at each college in MCCCD, as well as several
other sites.
- The increased use of file servers has prompted network access to
information and software. The District Legal office has, for example,
created a Public Access Server with legal information on a variety of
- Both faculty and students have access to listservers on the
Internet. This use has increased dramatically the past two years.
- The use of forum/discussion groups within the district for
district employees has not developed. Discussions often take place on
A1, our E-mail system, but seldom use EF or VAXNotes.
4. District should maintain lists of software prices and
discount options.
No formal lists of prices are maintained. Computer coordinators often
share information with each other and with the district purchasing
office and provide, in turn, purchasing information on suggested
5. Form a public domain library of microcomputer software.
It still seems like a desirable goal, but the reality of a rapidly
changing market makes it difficult to maintain lists of current best
6. Develop and maintain a current directory of software in the
Now irrelevant. In 1986 it looked like public domain software might
be a viable alternative for education. However, it turned out that
only the commercial distribution of software provided the quality
that we expected.
7. Continue print publications to disseminate information.
Some colleges use the library's on-line catalog to maintain an index
of at least some software.
8 Host an annual MCCCD Computing Conference.
Most years an event has been held: the Ocotillo Expo or the Ocotillo
Showcase. These events have consisted of faculty/staff demonstrations
of projects utilizing technology with instruction, as well as vendor
9. Bring C-IT to the colleges.
C-IT (now called MCLI) did prepare a road show, demonstrating
technology to most of the colleges. This did not become an annual
event. Since that time, several colleges have established their own
demonstration centers for new technology.
10. Provide faculty with an array of development tools.
Promote and teach the following development tools to faculty:
- Application shell software
- Templates
- Author languages
- Standard programming languages
Most colleges have provided training for faculty in courseware
development on the most popular development systems: HyperCard,
Toolbook, and others. Probably 20% of MCCCD faculty have developed
computer-presented instruction at one time or another.
11. Establish a team of peer consultants at each college.
This model for support did not develop. Instead a staff model for
training and support has become more typical.
12. Establish college instructional programming resource
Three colleges (PC,
GCC, and MCC) provide programming support on a
regular basis. Other colleges have provided such support on an
intermittent basis.
PC, GCC, and MCC have provided the most robust support for
faculty courseware development.
13. College Computer Groups become catalysts for planning.
These advisory groups have been involved in planning, but the
catalysts for that planning have been preparations for the Bond
election and Ocotillo.
14. Formalize a royalty/copyright statement which serves to
encourage faculty developed computing projects.
Such a statement has been included in the faculty RFP.
15. Bring to MCCCD speakers who challenge and enlarge our vision
of instructional computing.
Many outside speakers have challenged and enlarged our vision of
technology and learning, brought in through the Lodestar program,
Ocotillo, the
Honors Forum and others.
16. District should negotiate site licenses.
This seems to happen at the college and department level. It's
probably unreasonable to expect it to happen at the district level.
Not only do most vendors consider the 'college' to be the unit size,
but it is also extraordinarily difficult for all the colleges to
agree on a common software for any instructional purpose.
17. Spend more money for microcomputers, less for VAX.
That's what happened. As microcomputers, networks, and servers became
mainstream, more money was spent on those technologies than on
improving the VAX technology.
18. Formally establish The District Academic Computer Users
Group (DACUG) as ITEC's advisory group.
DACUG withered and disappeared. In its place Ocotillo has become the
inter-college, interdisciplinary instructional technology forum.
ITEC continues to have one faculty representative.
It's a River, Not a Lake: Appendix I
© January 1994
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
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