ARIZONA                    Unit    State   Rank     U.S.



Total persons: (July 1)

  1993                                  1,000    3,936     23  257,908

  2000                                  1,000    4,437     23  276,242

  Percent increase:

    1990 to 1993                      Percent      7.4      7      3.7

    1990 to 2000 (1)                  Percent     21.1      7     11.1

  65 years old and over, 1993         Percent     13.4     19     12.7

  Residing in a metro area, 1992      Percent     84.7     11     79.7



Birth rate per 1,000 people, 1991        Rate     18.2      5     16.3

Infant deaths per 1,000 live

 births, 1991                            Rate      8.6     29      8.9

Death rate per 100,000 people, 1991:

  Heart disease                          Rate      234     40      286

  Cancer                                 Rate      191     35      204

Persons without health insurance,

 1990-92                              Percent     15.8     13     14.2

Community hospitals, 1992:

  Occupancy rate (2) *                   Rate     60.2     35     65.6

  Avg cost per patient per day (3) *  Dollars    1,051      3      820



Public elem and secondary schools:

  Enrollment, percent increase,


    Grades K-8                        Percent     10.6      6      4.1

    Grades 9-12                       Percent     11.3      3      4.8

  Teachers' avg salaries, 1993 *      Dollars   31,400     26   35,000

Educational attainment, persons 25

 years old and over, 1990:

  High school or higher               Percent     78.7     20     75.2

  Bachelor's degree or higher         Percent     20.3     22     20.3

College enrollment, 1991:

  Full-time                           Percent     44.9     47     56.3

  Minority                            Percent     21.5     16     21.8



Violent crime rate per 100,000

 people, 1992 (4)                        Rate      671     18      758

Federal and State prisoners per

 1,000 people, 1992                      Rate      4.3      7      3.5

Child abuse cases reported (5)          1,000       29     21    1,899




Federal funds, 1993                  $Billion       18     22    1,260

  Defense                             Percent     22.9      9     18.3

  Grants to State and local govt:

    Total                            $Billion        3     25      195

    Per person                        Dollars      671     33      746

Percent of population receiving,


  Social Security                     Percent     16.6     25     15.9

    AFDC and/or SSI                   Percent      6.4     27      7.6



Civilian labor force, 1993:

  Participation rates:

    Male                                 Rate     71.8     45     75.2

    Female                               Rate     53.4     47     57.9

  Unemployment rate                   Percent      6.2     25      6.8

Nonfarm employment, 1993:

  Services                            Percent     28.5     13     27.4

  Manufacturing                       Percent     11.1     41     16.2



Gross State product, 1990            $Billion       67     26    5,499

Disposable personal income per


  Total, 1993                         Dollars   15,921     37   18,177

  Percent change, 1990-93             Percent     11.0     43     12.4



Business failures per 10,000

 concerns, 1993 *                        Rate      148      2       96

Construction, percent increase,


  Housing starts                      Percent     11.1     12      3.4

  Existing home sales                 Percent     20.2     11      8.0

Avg hourly earnings of production

 workers in manufacturing, 1993       Dollars    11.07     35    11.76

Retail sales per household, 1992: *

  Total                               Dollars   20,673     24   20,710

  Percent increase from 1991          Percent     10.0     19      6.5

U.S. exports by state of origin,

 percent increase, 1992-93            Percent      6.4     20      3.3



Energy expends per person, 1991       Dollars    1,716     40    1,853

Motor vehicles, 1992:

  Auto insurance, avg expends per

   insured vehicle *                  Dollars      667     14      617

  Deaths per 100 million vehicle

   miles                                 Rate      2.3      9      1.8

  Miles of travel per mile of road      1,000      625     20      574

Farm land, percent increase in avg

 value per acre, 1990-93              Percent     16.0      3      4.8

Hazardous waste sites, 1993            Number       10     36    1,258


* Copyright.

(1) Series A (the preferred series model).

(2) Ratio of average daily census to every 100 beds.

(3) Average cost to community hospitals; based on total hospital

expenses (payroll, employee benefits, professional fees, supplies, etc.)

(4) Based on offenses known to the police.

(5) Based on reports alleging child abuse and neglect that were

referred for investigation by child protective services.

State profile from Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the

United States, 1994; for ordering info, please call 301-763-5299

or email
