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  • [red button] ANU-Demographic-L Mailing List
  • [red button]ANU-Demography-Papers
  • [red button]ANU-Demography-Publications
  • [red button]Census Information at Rice University
  • [red button]Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies
  • [red button]Demography and Population Studies Register
  • [red button]MIDAS - Manchester Information, Datasets and Associated Services
  • [red button]National Archives Center for Electronic Records
  • [red button]Population Center
  • [red button]US Census Bureau

    ANU-Demographic-L is a mailing list for the discussion of demography and demographic techniques. The messages have been archived since August 93 and are searchable via a wais database. To subscribe to the mailing list directly send an e-mail to with the message subscribe demographic-list.

    ANU-Demography-Papers is a wais database of working papers in demography from the Division of Demography and Sociology at the Australian National University. The database contains bibliographic details and abstracts from 25 working papers, copies of which can be ordered through the publication officer at

    ANU-Demography-Publications is a bibliographical database of 440 books and articles (1969 - 1993) by researchers in the Demography Department of the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University.

    The Census Directory at Rice University contains many useful links to US and Canadian census information that is held at various sites elsewhere.

    The Center for Assessment and Demographic Studies conduct research into the demography of deafness in the United States. Provides information on the definitions and causes of deafness, methods of communication between those with hearing loss and work and rehabilition issues. Also includes a statistical summary from the Annual Survey of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Youth.

    The Demography and Population Studies Register keeps track of information facilities of value or significance to researchers in the field of demography. The register currently contains 17 links to information facilities provided by the Coombs Computing Unit, Australian National University and 77 links to information facilities world-wide.

    The Manchester Information, Datasets and Associated Services. MIDAS provides on-line access to many large and complex datasets to the UK academic community, including the 1981/91 Census of Population Statistics for Great Britain and other continuous surveys; macro-economic time series databanks and digital map datasets. Users should register to use MIDAS through their local computing centre. Access to the datasets is restricted to UK academic use and users are required to complete registration forms in order to use particular datasets.

    The National Archives Center for Electronic Records collects and preserves non current US federal records. The data spans over 200 years of American history, there are over 14,000 data sets available on data such as demographics, economics and financial statistics, and health and social services. The gopher provides information about NARA and their holdings (which may ordered for a fee).

    The Population Center is run by the Center for the study of Population at Florida State University. It provides access to a number of demographic and population related information services on other sites. Also provides abstracts to a number of working papers from the population center (the full text of these are available through the center).

    The United States Census Bureau provides summaries of census results in the form of statistical briefs. Gives access to the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), which is a database that allows you to define variables and perform custom extracts from selected current popoulation survey data sets. Also provides financial data for the largest 50 cities and counties in the US, press releases and a directory of contacts in the Bureau.