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Summary of HTML Tags Used in the Tutorial

Forces new paragraph with one blank line separator
Lesson 4
Line Break
Forces new line without blank line separator
Lesson 4
<hr width=X size=X 
Horizontal Rule
Forces new line with solid line separator. Optional attributes width specifies the width of the line on the page, where X is absolute number of pixels or "X%" for a width relative to the browser window; size specifies the thickness of the line in pixels; align forces the line to be aligned to a side of the page rather than the center; noshade draws a solid line without 3D shading
Lesson 4
Lesson 19
Lesson 20

<p align=center>...
Center Alignment
Aligns everything to the center of the page
Lesson 20
<div align=
Aligns everything to left, center, or right side of page
Lesson 20

<table border=X 
rowspan=X colspan=Y
Simple table draws single pixel-width border and cell-wall divisions. Omitting the border attribute, or setting border=0 creates an invisible table. Values for border greater than 1 will create a thicker border around the table/ cellpadding is the amount of space (in pixels) between the cell contents and its walls. cellspacing determines the width of the inner cell walls. <tr> are table row definitions and <td> are table data definitions (one cell). Options for the <td> tags are for horizontal and vertical alignment within the cell. The rowspan and colspan attributes can be used to create cells that stretch across more than one cell.

Use the bgcolor attribute to define a background color for a cell (inside a <td> tag ), a row (inside a <tr> tag ) or the entire table (inside a <table> tag ),

Lesson 21

Writing HTML Summary of HTML Tags: Text Breaks & Divisions
©1994-2002 Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Alan Levine
Questions? Comments? Visit our feedback center

URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tags/tag3.html

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.