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Webhound's Scavenger Hunt 1999
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Use this interactive worksheet to enter your answers to the WebHound's hunt. You can choose to have it generate a printable version and/or email you the information entereed here.

Go forth and find...

After a few years from our original scavenger hunt, it was time to change the terrain! Here are 10 more bafflers plus another tricky extra credit question.

Let's see how much of a webhound you really are! We list 10 questions and give the site from which you will find the answers (Note that each link will open in a new browser window. Close it when you are done with the site to return to this page). You may have to root around in a site to find them. If you can get all 10, consider yourself a Great Dane; if you find less than 1, we relegate you to a Measly Mutt.

1. Phoenix To Phoenix
Go to: http://www.indo.com/distance/
What is the map distance between Phoenix Arizona and Phoenix, Illinois? How long would it take to drive from one to the other?

2. Pi
Go to: http://mathforum.org/dr.math/drmath.middle.html
What numbers are in the 74th and 75th decimal place for the value of pi()?

3. Computer Acronyms
Go to: http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/
Besides being pals in the old cartoon strip "Archie", what did VERONICA and JUGHEAD stand for?

4. Hoover's Online Busines Info
Go to: http://www.hoovers.com/
Who is the Chairman of the fast-food chain "Jack in the Box?" Who are their three top competitors? What was the original name of the restaurant?

5. FindLaw
Go to: http://www.findlaw.com/
Name at least two lawyers in Casper, Wyoming that specialize in Energy Law. If you cannot find one in Casper, find one in another Wyoming town. On what street are their offices located?

6. TravelLang
Go to: http://www.travlang.com/
if you travelled to Armenia, how would you say, "Nice to Meet you"? If you needed to ask for vacancies on Malaysia, what would you ask? What would you say at a birthday party in Iceland?

7. Rhyming Dictionary
Go to: http://www.rhymezone.com/
How many 5 syllable words rhyme with "banana"? In her quote, "His venture sounds like a banana peel awaiting its victim", what exactly was Charlotte Curtis referring to?

8. Physical Reference Data
Go to: http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/contents.html
What is the value of the Josephson constant? What is its formula?

9. Hobbes' Internet Timeline
Go to: http://www.isoc.org/internet-history/
When was "@" sign chosen for use in e-mail? by Whom? In what year did the number of Internet hosts break 100,000? What did Kevin MacKenzie contribute to the Internet?

10. FedStats
Go to: http://www.fedstats.gov/
For 1998, what were the top two producing crops in Custer County, Nebraska? What was the second leading crime in this county? In 1996, what percentage of this county's population graduated high school?

11. Extra credit
Where did Alan go to High School? (Extra, Extra, Extra, Impossible (?) credit- what was the school's nickname?)

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Webhound's Scavenger Hunt 1999
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (mcli)
the 'net connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
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last modified: 16-May-02 : 10:42 AM
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/webhound/hunt1999.php
Maricopa Community Colleges