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We suggest that you print this worksheet from your Web browser (Look for a Print button or an option under the File menu). Then, make sure you practice the exercises below.

Going Directly to the Site

Anyone can click on a hypertext link! See if you can connect directly to any of these grab bags of URL links. As you go, see if you can easily navigate your way back to this page.

Give yourself a ten point bonus if you started using your mouse to Copy and Paste the URLs into your web browser.

Leaving Your Mark

Now that you've bounced around, experiment with the Bookmarks feature for your web browser. First, make a bookmark for this page so you can quickly return to it (In Internet Explorer, select Add Page to Favorites from the Favorites menu. In NetScape, select Add Bookmark from the Bookmarks menu) Then, explore some of the sites above (or any that jump off from there) and see what happens to your Bookmark/Favorites menu as you keep adding to it.

A Simple Log

Look on your computer for the simplest text editor you can find. This might be the Windows NotePad or the Macintosh SimpleText/TeachText program.

Open a new document in the text editor, and then return to your web browser. Using some of the sites above or bookmarks you have made (see how we are piling learning on top of learning!), find a site that you like. First, see if there is some text that describes the title of the site, or offers a short description. Use your mouse to select and Copy this text.

Jump over to the text editor and Paste in the description. It may not be in a pretty format, but you can clean it up later. Now, jump back to the web browser. Look for the page's URL in the field at the top of your web browser. Again, use your mouse to Copy this entire text field and then go to your text editor and Paste it below the description you previously inserted.

You then might want to Save your text file (the webhound who wrote this keeps a handy copy of links in a file called new webs).


maricopa center for learning & instruction (mcli)
find it from mcli about mcli mcli home mcli home
Using Your Tools Worksheet
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (mcli)
the 'net connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
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last modified: 27-Mar-02 : 3:48 PM
Maricopa Community Colleges