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Starting Points Worksheet
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We suggest that you use this interactive worksheet. You can choose to have it generate a printable version and/or email you the information entereed here. Take some time to fill in your answers-- we will use this information as we conduct later searches.

Starting Point Sites

Using Starting Points

Refer to the information you collected from Worksheet 1 for Scoping the Search. Look at the categories you listed as being broader or inclusive of your topic area. Using at least three of the sites below, try to locate a directory of links related to the these categories and record your results in the space provided.

Work Area

What are the broad categories that include your topic? (This should be what you wrote in Worksheet 1):

Results of Starting Point Exploration

Use this chart to record your results. As an example, we have listed examples of the kind of information you might be looking for in the area of Anthropology.

Starting Site Category URL for Category Listing

My name is:

My email address is:

send a copy of my responses as email
create a printable version of my responses


maricopa center for learning & instruction (mcli)
find it from mcli about mcli mcli home mcli home
Starting Points Worksheet
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (mcli)
the 'net connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
Questions? Comments? Visit our feedback center
last modified: 9-May-02 : 9:43 AM
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/webhound/wksheet3.php
Maricopa Community Colleges