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Searching with Engines Worksheet
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We suggest that you use this interactive worksheet. You can choose to have it generate a printable version and/or email you the information entered here.

Conducting Web Searches

Review the worksheet you completed for Scoping your search for the things you wrote down for the nature of your search and the related keywords. Here you will see why we had you think out this information!

Use at least three of the following search engines to look for information for your topic. For each, investigate what happens when you use different keywords and list at least two sites that you think were useful from the search. You might also want to compare what happens when you use the same keywords at different search sites.

Or try any of the others listed at Yahoo.

Results of Web Searches

Use this chart to record your results. As an example, we have listed an example of the kind of information you are looking for.

Search Site Keywords Number of Finds Results, Sites Found, and Notes

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My email address is:

send a copy of my responses as email
create a printable version of my responses


maricopa center for learning & instruction (mcli)
find it from mcli about mcli mcli home mcli home
Searching with Engines Worksheet
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (mcli)
the 'net connection at MCLI is Alan Levine
Questions? Comments? Visit our feedback center
last modified: 9-May-02 : 9:44 AM
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/webhound/wksheet4.php
Maricopa Community Colleges